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Lurking Shadows.

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Lurking Shadows. Empty Lurking Shadows.

Post by Impossibility Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:41 pm

Ok, so some of ya'll might have seen this story on Coast. But I thought I might get some new feedback here, so I'll try ;D

-Chapter One-

A calloused hand reached into the deep shadows where Ta’likha dwelled. Ta’likha cowered into the corner of the shadow’s embrace.
What do you want of me?
Anger pulsed through her veins as a loud echoing voice pierced the shadows.
“I only want you to help you.”
The precious shadows that had hidden Ta’likha her entire life began to fade; to rush into nothing but light.
No, do not help me; I am fine as I am. I remember everything you did to me, and I will never let you have me again!
Ta’likha groped at the shadows, begging them to cover her once again, to shade her ways.
See what you are doing? You are once again ruining everything I worked so hard to achieve. You are revealing me and my faults again.
“I only want to save you from them, not assemble them so I may laugh.
You have been confused, you do not know of who I really am.”
I know full well who you are, and I command you to leave!
The hand began to shrink away, not out of obedience, but out of gentleness. The gentleness of the movement brushed Ta’likha’s emotions, and she bristled in fury.
Get out, stay away from me!
“I’m so sorry it has ended this way Palorata, but someday you will know my forgiveness…”
At the sound of her given name she hissed and her eyes challenged her heart with reverence, but she stood strong in her rage.
Never will I trust you Elohim. Never will I surrender.
Once again Ta’likha covered herself in shadows and wept her worries away. The shadows wrapped warmth over her and whispered with a cold chills.
“You are weakening Ta’likha…”

The dream echoed through her mind, repeating with more frightening images and the fury of the darkness each time.
C.J. Terry forced her eyes open with great effort, and lifted her head off the desk.
How long have I been sleeping, and what class am I in?
But instead of seeing classmates around her, she saw the Principal, and her older brother staring down at her in worried anticipation.
She pried the pencil out of her hand that driven splinters of wood into her palm.
“C.J, are you okay?” Killian, her brother spoke first.
“Yeah, why shouldn’t I be?” C.J. replied with a groan,
Killian’s eyes darted back and forth across the room.
“You’ve been asleep for an hour or more, and you wouldn’t move, no matter what we did. Not to mention you were writing in your sleep,” the Principal spoke up.
“Okay, thanks guys for stating the facts, but I really don’t think that’s odd, I mean, it is scientifically possible to write in your sleep,”
C.J. glanced down at the paper that sat before her, fresh led and deep pencil marks etched across it.
She scanned the paper and her face grew pale. The words on the paper were narrating the happenings of her dream, encountering every detail and unspoken word.
“There’s another thing… When we took the pencil out of you hand, it--- it still moved, it continued to jot down every word---”
The Principal was interrupted by the scratching of a pencil, for it had picked itself up and wrote two words on the paper:
Silencer’s Vengeance.
To tell you the truth, Killian and the Principal were confused about how C.J. was unaffected by the happenings.
But C.J. was affected; she hid her fear deep inside herself.
She knew what the message meant. She knew why the pencil wrote without a hand to guide it.
And with another few scratches, her thoughts were confirmed.
You must stand against the odds, Cassabrie Jana.
You are the Divider between the Silencers and the Remembered.
You and Elohim must charge the Silencers, keep them away.
Dangerous things are amidst.
And so the last word rested on the paper, the pencil fell to the floor with a clatter.

Mood : I have a mood?? Hmmm. Creative?
Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-12-08

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